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Switching Lanes?

‘Stay in your lane’! ‘Mind your business’. Almost everyone has heard someone say this. Undoubtedly it is true. When I was young I didn’t have a phone or any attachment to social media. My life was very plain and simple. Wake up, shit, go lessons and play sports. Flip the script. Things have just went downhill. If you got a mind of your own then you’re good, but if your life is predetermined by social media then it will be hard for you. The constant reminder that there is so much more out there. So much that you don’t have. It feeds your inner greed. Practicing gratitude will turn what we have into enough. Just recently I hoped I wouldn’t catch a cold in this Gotham like weather. It happened and in doing so i

lost hearing in one of my ear due to the cold. It was unbearable. I was saying to myself ‘I miss being able to hear on both ears’. The same thing happens when you have a blocked nose. You remember the times you took breathing in for granted. There are multiple lessons to be learnt here. Just do you. Be happy and content with what you have, and when you have it appreciate it. Don’t let the internet mould you. That's lame. Always remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint. #JewelRecords.

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